Conferences MediaLab

Conferences 2022-2017:

  • Boțan, M., Buturoiu, R., & Corbu, N. (2022). Third-person effect about people’s ability to detect misinformation and media diets: how news consumption patterns influence the intensity of the effect. ECPR General Conference University of Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., & Oprea D. A. (2022). Others are more vulnerable than me. Third person perceptions about the ability to detect misleading content in the media. ECPR General Conference University of Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., & Boțan, M. (2022). Profiles of News Consumption in a High-Choice Media Environment. Evidence from Romania. International Association for Media and Communication Research, IAMCR Online 2022, hosted by Tsinghua University – China. Virtual conference.
  • Buturoiu, R., Vladu, L., Durach, F., & Dumitrache, A. (2022). Predictors of the third-person effect about media’s influence on vaccination against COVID-19. MISDOOM 2022. Virtual conference.
  • Stepinska, A., Hopmann, D. N., Stanyer, J., Halagiera, D., Terren, L., Cardenal Izquierdo, A. S., Corbu, N., Buturoiu, R., Gehle, L., Meltzer, C. E. (2022). A qualitative examination of citizens’ political media diets across generations in five European countries. ECREA, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Stepinska, A., Stanyer, J., Halagiera, D., Terren, L., Gehle, L., Meltzer, C. E., Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., Cardenal Izquierdo, A. S., Schemer, C. (2022). Elite perceptions of threats to the political information environment across five European countries. ECREA, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Ștefăniță, O., Corbu, N., Buturoiu, R., & Dumitrache A. (2022). Hate speech and social media engagement: a silencing effect. ECREA, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E., Ștefăniță, O. (2022). Communicating Science in A Networked Society: A Corpus-Based Approach to Verbal and Visual Metaphors in Romanian Textbooks. Networked communication in the (post-)global era: Information and knowledge in the digital world. Virtual conference.
  • Stănescu, D. F.; Frunzaru, V., Ștefăniță, O. (2022). Self-regulated learning and life-long learning: the Mediating role of future time orientation. INTED2022. Virtual conference.
  • Udrea, G., Guiu, G., & Gavrilescu, M. (2022). Student în pandemie: oportunități și provocări ale învățământului online în România. Networked communication in the (post-)global era: Information and knowledge in the digital world. Virtual conference.
  • Bârgăoanu, A., Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., & Durach, F. (2021). Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Romania. The role of trust and susceptibility to misleading narratives. ECPR General Conference. Virtual conference.
  • Buf, D. M., Stefanita, O., Negrea-Busuioc, E. (2021). Effects of exposure to hate speech on Facebook – an experimental research. PCTS12. Professional Communication and Translation Studies. Universitatea Politehnica, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Buf, D. M., Stefanita, O. (2021). YouTube Users versus Content Creators – a qualitative approach of uses and gratifications. PCTS12. Professional Communication and Translation Studies. Universitatea Politehnica, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Buturoiu, R., & Corbu, N. (2021). The Dynamics of Television and Online Media Coverage of COVID-19–Related Topics: An Intermedia Agenda-setting Perspective. ECPR General Conference. Virtual conference.
  • Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., & Oprea, D. A. (2021). Predictors of the perceptual gap between own opinion and distant others’ opinion about Roma people. The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM). Virtual conference.
  • Buturoiu, R., & Gavrilescu, M. (2021). Keywords used to describe the COVID-19 pandemic. Comparing the media and the public agenda. The Regional Conference (online) 30 years of higher education in journalism and communication in Eastern Europe after 1989: From conquering the freedom of expression to embracing digital communication. Virtual conference.
  • Buturoiu R., & Voloc A. (2021). Media Coverage in Times of Crisis. Intermedia Agenda-setting of COVID-19–related Topics. IAI Academic Conference. Virtual conference.
  • Cardenal, A. S., Theocharis, Y., Jin, S., Strömback, J., Hopmann, D., Aalberg, T., van Aelst, P., Castro, L., Corbu, N. (…) de Vreese, C. (2021). Platform Affordances and COVID-19 Conspiracy Beliefs: Evidence from 17 Countries. Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice, International Communication Association(ICA). Virtual conference.
  • Castro, L., Strömback, J., Esser, F., Van Aelst, P., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N. (…) Stepinska, A. (2021). The Anatomy of European Political Information Environments: A Demand-Driven Analysis of How They Perform and Inform Democracy. Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice, International Communication Association(ICA). Virtual conference. (Top faculty paper)
  • Cismaru, D.-M., Corbu, N., Frunzaru, V., Hâj, C., Ștefăniță, O. (2021). The impact of social scholarships and of reserved places for graduates from rural high schools in improving access to higher education and academic performance. Challenges and Solutions in the Romanian Higher Education Conference, Bucharest.
  • Corbu, N., Buturoiu, R., Frunzaru, V., & Guiu, G. (2021). Conspiracy and counter-conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccination: effects on online engagement and personal influence. The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM). Virtual conference.
  • Frunzaru, V., Ștefăniță, O. (2021). Attitudes toward differentiated pay and work satisfaction among Romanian teachers. Strategica International Conference 9th edition, Shaping the Future of Business and Economy, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Frunzaru, V., Stănescu, D., Ștefăniță, O. (2021). Books or Instagram as predictors for lifelong learning?. The Regional Conference (online) 30 years of higher education in journalism and communication in Eastern Europe after 1989: From conquering the freedom of expression to embracing digital communication. Virtual conference.
  • Gavrilescu, M. (2021). How to prepare yourself for the academic job market. CIVICA Doctoral Conference, Firenze, Italy.
  • Gavrilescu, M. (2021). Let me be there, know you, be you, and adore you!: An analysis on transportation, parasocial experience, identification, and worship processes of audience involvement with media characters. International Academic Institute (IAI) Virtual Academic Conference.
  • Guiu, G. (2021). Who’s going to take care of me?. An analysis of the effects of parental work migration on adolescents’ school performance. International Academic Institute (IAI) Virtual Academic Conference.
  • Guiu, G., Buf, D.-M., & Negrea-Busuioc, E. (2021). Teaching and learning science concepts: A corpus of metaphors and analogies used in Romanian secondary education Physics and Chemistry textbooks. 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Guiu, G., Ciocea, M., & Udrea, G. (2021). Parental work migration and the children left behind in rural Romania. A qualitative perspective. International Conference: The Migration Conference, London, United Kingdom. Virtual conference.
  • Matthes, J., Corbu, N., Jin, S., Theocharis, Y., Schemmer, C., Koc-Michalska, K. (…) Štětka, V. (2021). Perceived Exposure to Misinformation Fuels Emotional Concerns about COVID-19: A Cross-Country, Multi-Method Investigation. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication(AEJMC), Virtual conference. (First Place Open Competition Paper; Top Method Award).
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E., Buturoiu, R., Oprea, D., & Boțan, M. (2021). Online hate speech in Romania and its impact on people’s perception of and civic engagement with the Roma minority. 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Virtual conference.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E., Stefanita, O., (2021). The Meme-ification of the First Female Prime Minister in Romania – Trivialization and Satire in Politics. Semiosis In Communication. Culture, Communication and Social Change. Bucharest, Romania.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E., Stefanita, O., Buf, D.M. (2021). Romania’s first female Prime Minister’s meme-ification: Trivialization and banalization of politics through satirical memes. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Oprea, D.-A., Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., Boțan, M. (2021). Trust in sources of information during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: Evidence from Romania. Communicating crisis: Political communication in the age of uncertainty. ECREA Political Communication Section Conference, Bucharest, Romania. Virtual conference.
  • Oprea, D.-A. (2021). The Prisoner, the Orphan and the Prostitute: Female Marginality in Three Romanian Contemporary Movies. International Conference on Film Studies – The Anatomy of Cinematic identities, London Center for Interdisciplinary Research. Virtual conference.
  • Udrea, G. & Guiu, G. (2021). Being Romanian in France. The Highly Skilled Migrants and their Socio-Cultural Transition. International Conference: ACADEMOS: Politics and Knowledge: New Trends in Social Research, Bucharest, Romania. Virtual conference.
  • Udrea, G. & Guiu, G. (2021). Online education and digital platforms in pandemic Romania: from entertainment tools to learning tools. Ahi Evran, International Conference on Scientific Research. Virtual conference.
  • Udrea, G. & Guiu, G., & Chirițoiu, A.-A. (2021). Romanian students’ engagement with digital platforms during the pandemic: uses, gratifications and risks. Latin American International Conference On Social Sciences And Humanities. Virtual conference.
  • Toader, F. (2021). The negotiation of diasporic identities in the Romanian political discourse and the construction of political responsibility towards Romanians abroad. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference: “Communicating crisis: Political communication in the age of uncertainty“, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Udrea, G., Buturoiu, R., Oprea, D., & Corbu, N. (2021). Romanian people in pandemic times: who is more prone to believe in conspiracy narratives about COVID-19?. WAPOR 74th Annual Conference. Virtual conference.
  • Van Aelst, P., Toth, F., Castro, L., Štětka, V., de Vreese, C., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N. (…) Theocharis, Y. (2021). Does a Crisis Change News Habits? A Comparative Study of the Effects of COVID-19 on News Media Use in 17 European Countries. Engaging the Essential Work of Care:Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice, International Communication Association(ICA). Virtual conference.
  • Voloc, A. (2021).  Social Central Bankers. An Analysis of Central Bank Communication on Social Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Students’ Conference on Communication (ISCC). Rethinking Communication and Interaction. Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Crisis, 9thedition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Virtual conference.
  • Boțan, M., Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., Voloc, A. (2020). The Online Proliferation of Hate Speech against the Roma Minority Group in Romania.  Politics and Knowledge: New Trends in Social Research, Bucharest, Romania. Virtual conference.
  • Buturoiu, R, Corbu, N. (2020). Stereotypes about the Roma Ethnic Minority in online Hateful Contexts. International Academic Institute. Virtual Conference.
  • Buturoiu, R., Corbu, N., Boțan, M., Voloc, A. (2020). Online Hate Speech against Ethnic Minorities. The Case of Roma People in Romania. WAPOR (World Association of Public Opinion Research), Salamanca, Spain. Virtual conference.
  • Corbu, N., Frau-Meigs, D., Teyssou, D., Bârgăoanu, A. (2020). What’s in a name: Defining “fake news” from the audience’s perspective. MISDOOM, Leiden, Netherlands. Virtual conference.
  • Frau-Meigs, D., Nygren, T., Corbu, N., Santoveña-Casal, S. (2020). Combatting online disinformation by improving digital visual literacy: the YouCheck! project. IAMCR, Tampere, Finland. Virtual conference.
  • Ștefăniță, O. (2020). Effects of online hate speech – the case of Roma minority in Romania. “Communication. Information. Learning.” International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova.
  • Ștefăniță, O. & Negrea-Busuioc, E. (2020). Hate speech in social media – effects on Roma minority. International Virtual Academic Conference. Education and Social Sciences.
  • Udrea G., Bârgăoanu A., Corbu, N., Guiu G. (2020). They can be fooled by fake news, but not me! Evidence of third person effect on people’s ability to detect news. MISDOOM, Leiden, Netherlands, virtual conference.
  • Bârgăoanu, A., Corbu, N., Durach, F., Udrea G. (2019). Fake news going viral: The mediating effect of negative emotions. ECPR, Wroclaw, Poland.
  • Corbu, N. (2019). Populist political communication: The need for comparative insight across borders. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Poznan, Poland (keynote address).
  • Corbu N. (2019). Effects of Politically Biased Fake News: A Romanian Perspective. PR Trend, 4th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (keynote address)
  • Corbu, N., Bârgăoanu, A., Buturoiu, R., Ștefăniță, O. (2019). Potential for Viralisation and Persuasion Effects of Fake News in Romania. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Poznan, Poland.
  • Corbu, N., Boțan, M., Buturoiu, R., Dumitrache, A. (2019). Whatsapp Uses for Young People in Romania. PR Trend, 4th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Corbu, N., Tudorie, G., Voloc, A. (2019). What’s up on Whatsapp: A Uses and Gratifications Approach. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference, 4th edition, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Dumitrache, A. (2019). Shades of Fake News: Manifestation, Effects and Ways to Combat False Information. PR Trend, 4th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E. (2019). Metaphors & emotions in advertising for social causes, RaAM 2019 Specialized Seminar: Metaphor Studies at the Intersection of Multiple Disciplines, University of Liege, Belgium.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E., Buturoiu, R., & Corbu, N. (2019). Populism and Illiberal Democracy in Romania: The Role of Media in the Erosion of Romanian Democracy. ACADEMOS International Conference “Political and Economic Unrest in the Contemporary Era”, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E. & Simion, D. L. (2019). Children’s “life is hanging by a hair”: Metaphors, stories and simulations in advertising for social causes. 2019 Metaphor Festival, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Oprea, D. A., & Radut-Gaghi, L. (2019). Les intellectuels et l’Europe. Engagement, politique ou coup de com. Franco-Romanian Conference in Communication Sciences, Intellectuels et médias, Universiy of Bucharest.
  • Oprea, D., Corbu, N., Negrea-Busuioc, E. Radu, L. (2019). ‘They can’t fool me, but they can fool the others!’. Third person effect and fake news detection. ECPR, Wroclaw, Poland.
  • Pacak, A., Simion, D. L., & Negrea-Busuioc, E. (2019). Beyond team wins or defeats: discursive display of fan support within sport online communities. Qualitative Research in Communication (4th edition), Bucharest, Romania.
  • Ștefăniță, O. (2019). Facebook and romantic relationships – an analysis of attachment styles as predictors of digital behavior. PR Trend, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Ștefăniță, O. (2019). Digital disinformation and its perceived influence among Romanians. International Colloquium on Social Sciences and Communication, Transilvania University, Brasov.
  • Udrea, G., & Guiu, G. (2019). European identity in a changing Europe. A comparative approach between Eastern and Western perspectives. ACADEMOS International Conference “Political and Economic Unrest in the Contemporary Era”, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Buturoiu, R. & Corbu, N. (2018). Media Coverage of Elections: Lessons Learnt from the 2014 Presidential Campaign in Romania. Academos. Development, Democracy and Society in the Contemporary World, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Corbu, N., Negrea-Busuioc, E., & Boțan, M. (2018). Qui prodest? Persuasion and Mobilization Effects of Politically Biased Faked News in Social Media. ECPR, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Hameleers, M., et al. (2018). Start Spreading the News: A Comparative Experiment on the Effects of Populist Communication on Political Participation in 16 European Countries. ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Negrea-Busuioc, E. (2018). Metaphors of pain in social campaign advertising against gold mining. Metaphor Festival, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Oprea, D. A. (2018). « La ménagère de Teleorman » : représentations de la Première ministre roumaine dans les médias satiriques en ligne. CEREFREA, Congress Les représentations politiques des femmes dans les PECO, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Oprea, D. A., Radu, L., & Udrea, G., (2018). In the shadow of men: Representations of Romanian Prime Minister in satirical media outlets. European Communication Conference (ECREA), Lugano, Switzerland.
  • Ștefăniță, O., Buturoiu, R., & Bârgăoanu, A. (2018). Evaluating the Accuracy of News Media Content in the Digital Age. ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Udrea, G., Ştefăniţă, O., & Corbu, N. (2017). Students’ Perceptions of Loneliness in the Facebook Era. Qualitative Research in Communication, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Bârgăoanu, A., Buturoiu, R., Udrea, G., & Durach, F. (2017). Predictors of the Third-Person Effect in the Context of Social Media. ICEIRD, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Bârgăoanu, A., Corbu, N., Buturoiu, R., & Durach, F. (2017). Media frames and the tone of news coverage on the migrant crisis: A quantitative content analysis. (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece.
  • Buturoiu, R., Ştefăniţă, O., & Corbu, N. (2017). The Refugee Crisis From The Media To The Public Agenda. Academos Conference: Quality of Democracy in the New Political Era, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Buturoiu, R., Stefăniţă, O., Corbu, N., & Radu, L. (2017). Europe’s Migrant Crisis: An Analysis of the Third Level Agenda-Setting Model. International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, ICEIRD, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Cismaru, D., & Ştefăniţă, O. (2017). The state of innovation in Romania: the lost key for the economic development. Measuring Development in Turbulent Times, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Corbu, N., Ştefăniţă, O., & Udrea, G. (2017). Loneliness and Facebook Usage: A Romanian Case Study. (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece.
  • Grigorași, C. & Toader, F. (2017). Romanian public institutions and innovation. A discourse analytical approach. International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Radu, L. & Toader, F. (2017). Europeanization in the making. Perceptions on the Economic Effects of European Integration in Romania. Measuring Development in Turbulent Times, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Ștefăniță, O., Durach, F., & Buturoiu, R. (2017). Facebook and Self: Is the Social Networking Website Consolidating or Destroying Self-esteem?. Qualitative Research in Communication”, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Ştefăniţă, O., & Ivan, L. (2017). Characteristics of the Digital Divide in Romania and Differences in Internet Use in Comparison with Internet Use in Europe. Measuring Development in Turbulent Times, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Toader, F. (2017). Strategies of Legitimation in Political Discourse during the 2017 Romanian Protests. Qualitative Research in Communication, Bucharest, Romania.