Publications Lab COPE

Mobile phone use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic–a panel study of older adults in seven countries. Mobile Media & Communication 12 (1), 23-44, 2024. Google Scholar

Unveiling the experienced age-friendliness of older people in Bucharest: A comprehensive study using the validated Romanian age-friendly cities and communities questionnaire …. Habitat International 143, 102973, 2024. Google Scholar

Perspectives of older people on environmental sustainability: a cross-cultural validation study between five countries. Journal of Cleaner Production 447, 141317, 2024. Google Scholar

Asking ChatGPT How to Fight Visual Ageism on Websites: Pitfall or Opportunity?. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 370-383, 2024. Google Scholar

Critical, connected and caring: older adults’ agency during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Global Ageing 1 (1), 94-114, 2024. Google Scholar

Book Review: Åsa Jansson, From Melancholia to Depression: Disordered Mood in Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry. History of Psychiatry 35 (2), 253-254, 2024. Google Scholar

Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Life-Long Learning: The mediating role of Future Orientation. GREAT RESET, 94, 2024. Google Scholar

The Impact of Perceived Social Support on Workplace Loneliness. The Mediation Role of Work Alienation. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 12 (2), 133-144, 2024. Google Scholar

Designing health communication events to support the sustainable development of health interventions: MEDI-COM Forum (Romania) case study. Patient education and counseling 114, 107901, 2023. Google Scholar

Assessing the Effects of Medical Information on Parental Self-Medication Behaviors for Children’s Health: A Comparative Analysis. Medicina 59 (12),, 2023. Google Scholar

E-health. In Ho, E.Y., Bylund, C.L. & van Weert, J. The International Encyclopedia of …, 2023. Google Scholar

Digital practices by citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from an international multisite study. JMIR Mental Health 10 (1), e41304, 2023. Google Scholar

The marketing of technology products for older people: Evidence of visual ageism. Digital Ageism, 88-115, 2023. Google Scholar

Using media literacy to fight digital fake news in later life: a mission impossible?. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 233-247, 2023. Google Scholar

Developing a digital and traditional political participation (DTPP) scale for youth: A validity and reliability study. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 25 (1), 7-21, 2023. Google Scholar

Post-pandemic digital realities of older adults. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1275257, 2023. Google Scholar

Culture and Aging. Exploring older generations through the lenses of shifting patterns. Culture. Society. Economy. Politics 3 (1), 7-9, 2023. Google Scholar

OPEN ACCESS EDITED BY. Post-pandemic Digital Realities of Older Adults, 66, 2023. Google Scholar

Reluctant Republic: A Positive Right for Older People to Refuse AI-Based Technology. Societies 13 (12), 248, 2023. Google Scholar

The mediating role of customer knowledge management on the innovative work behavior and product innovation relationship. Kybernetes 52 (11), 5353-5384, 2023. Google Scholar

The Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Mediating Role of Factual Autonomy. Sustainability 15 (17), 13057, 2023. Google Scholar

Work alienation and work engagement. The mediating role of perceived social support. European Journal of Sustainable Development 12 (4), 209-209, 2023. Google Scholar

An explorative study regarding the relationship between the Light Triad of personality, counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behaviour. Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives 8 (2), 19-28, 2023. Google Scholar

The role of uses and gratification theory and technology acceptance model in the adoption and usage of wearable technology. Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) Proceedings 11, 47-55, 2023. Google Scholar

Self-Medication Patterns during a Pandemic: A qualitative study on romanian mothers’ beliefs toward self-treatment of their children. Healthcare 10 (9), 1602, 2022. Google Scholar

A generational approach to fight fake news: In search of effective media literacy training and interventions. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 291-310, 2022. Google Scholar

Visual ageism on public organisations’ websites. Ageing and the Media: International perspectives, 113-132, 2022. Google Scholar

Not only people are getting old, the new media are too: Technology generations and the changes in new media use. New Media & Society,, 2022. Google Scholar

Interpersonal communication in the information age: Opportunities and disruptions. American Behavioral Scientist 67 (7), 885-897, 2022. Google Scholar

Special Issue “Fighting Fake News: A Generational Approach”. Societies 12 (2), 57, 2022. Google Scholar

Older adults and communication technologies during the lockdown in Romania. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 365-380, 2022. Google Scholar

Fighting Fake News: A Generational Approach. MDPI-Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022. Google Scholar

Closing the Gap between Museums and Schools. Culture. Society. Economy. Politics 2 (2), 11-25, 2022. Google Scholar

Explorator în muzeu: Bucureşti, 2022. Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti, 2022. Google Scholar

Triada întunecată și triada luminoasă. O arie de cercetare în creștere cu probleme conceptuale nerezolvate. Triada Întunecată (Dark Triad) vs Triada Luminoasă (Light Triad) a …, 2022. Google Scholar

This equivocal dust: a review of Material Cultures of Psychiatry, edited by M Ankele and B Majerus. History of Psychiatry 33 (4), 490-494, 2022. Google Scholar

Marginality in Philosophy and Psychology: The Limits of Psychological Explanation. . Google Scholar

An Explorative Study on Users’ motivation and Adoption of Wearables Technologies Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT), 2022. Google Scholar

Assessment of the risk of infection among Romanian physicians at the outbreak of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic. European Journal of General Practice 27 (1), 235-240, 2021. Google Scholar

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Ageism and Technology: The Role of Internalized Stereotypes. University of Toronto Quarterly 90 (2), 127-139, 2021. Google Scholar

Family conflicts and technology use: The voices of grandmothers. Family Relations 70 (1), 104-119, 2021. Google Scholar

Hearing Loss, Visual Acuity, and Cognitive Limitations among Older Persons: What Matters?. Social Work Review/revista De Asistenta Sociala, 2021. Google Scholar

Ageing and responsible consumption. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 9 (4), 499-512, 2021. Google Scholar

Effective affective campaigns? An analysis of campaigns centered on Roma. Differences, Similarities and Meanings: Semiotic Investigations of …, 2021. Google Scholar

The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Family Communication. Foreign Countries of Old Age: East and Southeast European Perspectives on …, 2021. Google Scholar

Comunicarea nonverbala in interactiunile cotidiene., 2021. Google Scholar

Older Adults and the Digital Divide in Romania: Implications for the COVID‐19 Pandemic. Journal of Elder Policy 1 (3), 131-154, 2021. Google Scholar

'So Don't You Lock up Something / That You Wanted to See Fly'. What Story for Asylum Psychiatry?. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 23 (1), 71-79, 2021. Google Scholar

Exploring the Knowledge Management Impact on Business Education. Sustainability 13 (4), 2021. Google Scholar

Serial Multiple Mediation of the Impact of Customer Knowledge Management on Sustainable Product Innovation by Innovative Work Behavior. Sustainability 13 (22), 2021. Google Scholar

Applying Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Explore Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Wearables Technologies. STRATEGICA, 817, 2021. Google Scholar

The mediation role of knowledge management between academic management and business education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence 15 (1 …, 2021. Google Scholar

How do adults experience Sandplay Therapy? An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Journal of Sandplay Therapy 30 (1), 131-145, 2021. Google Scholar

An explorative study regarding the relations between dark triad and hexaco model of personality. INPACT 2021 International Psychological Applications and Trends, 80-84, 2021. Google Scholar

VUCA n+ 1. To the Infinity and Beyond!. LUMEN Proceedings 17, 590-596, 2021. Google Scholar

Exploring the knowledge management impact on business education. Sustainability, 13 (4), 2313, 1-16. . Google Scholar

Patterns and factors associated with self-medication among the pediatric population in Romania. Medicina 56 (6), 312, 2020. Google Scholar

COVID-19: technology, social connections, loneliness, and leisure activities: an international study protocol. Frontiers in Sociology 5, 574811, 2020. Google Scholar

Smart and age-friendly cities in Romania: An overview of public policy and practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (14), 5202, 2020. Google Scholar

Knowledge sharing in NGOs: The importance of the human dimension. Kybernetes 49 (1), 182-199, 2020. Google Scholar

The impact of ‘technology generations’ on older adults’ media use: Review of previous empirical research and a seven-country comparison. Gerontechnology 19 (4), 1-19, 2020. Google Scholar

Older People and Technology Use: The Importance of Using Video Stimuli in Group Discussions. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technologies, Design and User …, 2020. Google Scholar

D6. 3.2: Developing and testing new core messages (ALIGN-CCUS). D6. 3.2: Developing and testing new core messages (ALIGN-CCUS), 2020. Google Scholar

Evidence to the COVID-19 Committee (LBC0224). UK Government, 2020. Google Scholar

Mitigating visual ageism in digital media: designing for dynamic diversity to enhance communication rights for senior citizens. Societies 10 (4), 76, 2020. Google Scholar

Social support mediated by technology. A netnographic study of an online community for mothers. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 22 (2), 57-71, 2020. Google Scholar

Transformational leadership and innovative work behaviour: the mediating role of psychological empowerment. Kybernetes 50 (5), 1041-1057, 2020. Google Scholar

Game-thinking in Personnel Recruitment and Selection: Advantages and Disadvantages.. Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne 11 (2), 2020. Google Scholar

Are tattooing indicators of dark personalities? An analysis of body modification within the framework of Dark Triad of personality. Journal of Social and Development Sciences 11 (4 (S)), 7-14, 2020. Google Scholar

Transformational leadership and employee affective wellbeing: the mediating role of psychological empowerment. Strategica. Preparing for Tomorrow, Today, 656-666, 2020. Google Scholar

The mediator role of transformational leadership between assertiveness and job performance. Strategica. Preparing for Tomorrow, Today, 240-251, 2020. Google Scholar

Copiii cu părinți bolnavi somatic. Traumatismul cranio-cerebral. Psihologia sănătății. Aplicații în afecțiunile cronice, 101-117, 2020. Google Scholar

The dual roles technology plays in leisure: insights from a study of grandmothers. Leisure Sciences 44 (6), 715-732, 2019. Google Scholar

Using netnography to research older adults’ online communities. Ageing and digital technology: Designing and evaluating emerging …, 2019. Google Scholar

Mapping challenges of the Romanian NGOs. A focus on human resources. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 7 (1), 9-27, 2019. Google Scholar

THE USE OF ICTs IN FAMILY COMMUNICATION: DIALOGUE WITH GRANDMOTHERS. 8 th International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, 28, 2019. Google Scholar

Innovative Solutions for Online Recruitment-Gamified Assessment.. Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne 10 (1), 2019. Google Scholar

Development of an Integrated Game Based Assessment Approach – The Next Generation of Psychometric Testing. European Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (5), 270-277, 2019. Google Scholar

CHAPTER SIXTEEN THE DEPICTION OF SENIORS IN ADVERTISING. Exploring Communication through Qualitative Research, 312, 2018. Google Scholar

Advertising Challenges in the Ageing Society: The Preferences of the Regular Gym-goers towards Age Portrayals in Advertising. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 20 (1), 59-73, 2018. Google Scholar

Visual ageism in the media. Contemporary perspectives on ageism, 163-176, 2018. Google Scholar

“Save the Pacific Northwest tree octopus”: a hoax revisited. Or: How vulnerable are school children to fake news?. Information and Learning Science 119 (9/10), 514-528, 2018. Google Scholar

Involving older people in participatory action research: An example of participatory action design. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 20 (1), 11-24, 2018. Google Scholar

The use of a drawing tool to assess the implicit ageism of students. Slovak Ethnology/Slovensky Narodopis 66 (2), 2018. Google Scholar

Older audiences and digital media: focus on Romania. Management dynamics in the knowledge economy 6 (3/21), 423-447, 2018. Google Scholar

Exploring Communication Through Qualitative Research. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Google Scholar

The regulatory function of empathy, shame and guilt proneness in moral judgement in organizational life. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 6 (4), 569-578, 2018. Google Scholar

Game-Based Assessment. The new revolution of candidate's assessment. Brătianu, C., Zbuchea, A., and Vitelar, A. (eds.) (2018). Strategica …, 2018. Google Scholar

Age-friendly advertising: a qualitative research on the Romanian silver consumers. Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice 19 (2), 29-40, 2017. Google Scholar

The Depiction of Seniors in Advertising. Exploring communication through qualitative research, 312, 2017. Google Scholar

Older people and the use of ICTs to communicate with children and grandchildren. Transnational Social Review, 1-15, 2017. Google Scholar

Ageing well? A cross-country analysis of the way older people are visually represented on websites of organizations for older people. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology 8 (2, Winter …, 2017. Google Scholar

Older people, mobile communication and risks. Societies 7 (2), 7, 2017. Google Scholar

Sex Role Identity, Communication Skills, and Group Popularity. Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice 19 (2), 19-28, 2017. Google Scholar

Fighting ageism: Older people self-deprecating humor in everyday online conversations. Innovation in Aging 1 (Suppl 1), 72, 2017. Google Scholar

“Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr”. Notes on Bruce O’Neill’s "The Space of Boredom". Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 17 (3), 41-48, 2017. Google Scholar

The Child in Early Paediatrics and Developmental Psychology. Abraham Jacobi and Charles Darwin. Exploring Communication through Qualitative Research, 152-179, 2017. Google Scholar

Introductory Remarks on Inquiring Communication through QualitativeResearch.. Exploring communication through qualitative research, 1, 2017. Google Scholar

An exploratory study of full range leadership model and nonverbal sensitivity. Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate-Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale …, 2017. Google Scholar

Narrative Mediation Path-An Innovative Tool for Developing the Reflective Function of Non-Traditional Students. Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională 9 (1), 51-63, 2017. Google Scholar

Boredom In The Workplace And Cyberloafing–An Exploratory Study. . Google Scholar

Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education. . Google Scholar

Alina Duduciuc, Loredana Ivan, Dan Florin Stănescu (coord.), Comunicare şi percepţie socială, Editura Comunicare. ro, Bucureşti, 2017. Psihologia socială 2 (40), 131-133, 2017. Google Scholar

Teenagers, risk behaviours and the use of new technologies for health. The Power of the Media in Health Communication, 169-180, 2016. Google Scholar

STUDENTS’STEREOTYPES ON AGEING AND THE USE OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN ADVERTISING. Euromentor Journal-Studies about education, 59-71, 2016. Google Scholar

Grannies on the net: Grandmothers’ experiences of Facebook in family communication. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 18 (1), 11-25, 2016. Google Scholar

Experiencing computer anxiety later in life: The role of stereotype threat. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging: Second …, 2016. Google Scholar

The" Aphrodite effect": Labor market discrimination based on attractiveness. Psihologia Sociala, 37, 2016. Google Scholar

Older people in digital creation contexts: Building a participatory action research design. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Entrepreneurship …, 2016. Google Scholar

Teachers' perceptions on risk factors associated with dropout of high school students. Psihologia Sociala, 67, 2016. Google Scholar


Un azil prin ochii a doi clandestini. Comunicare și percepție socială, 87-102, 2016. Google Scholar

Review of The Measure of Madness, by Philip Gerrans. Metapsychology Online Reviews 20 (23), 2016. Google Scholar

Working with underachieving students in higher education: Fostering inclusion through narration and reflexivity. Routledge, 2016. Google Scholar

“welcome to the Dark side” A Correlational study of the Dark Triad of personality with Counterproductive Work Behaviour and work locus of Control. Pannon Management Review, 47-57, 2016. Google Scholar

An explorative study regarding the individual response to terrorism risk perception on food chain security-a social-cognitive perspective in case of Romania and Turkey. Governing for the future: Intediscipliary perspectives for a sustainable …, 2016. Google Scholar

INSTALL Project process: Formative experiences in three European countries. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education, 72-84, 2016. Google Scholar

Underachieving student experiences in the INSTALL programs: The use of student narratives. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education, 85-100, 2016. Google Scholar

Narrative Mediation Path training in Romania and Italy: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis on follow-up interviews. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education, 101-110, 2016. Google Scholar

The use of student narratives. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education: Fostering …, 2016. Google Scholar

Modeling Musical Capabilities-Guitar Playing. European Scientific Journal 12 (11), 2016. Google Scholar


INSTALL Project process: the formative experience in four European countries. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education: Fostering …, 2016. Google Scholar

Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala 8 (2), 107-109, 2016. Google Scholar

An Exploratory Study Regarding the Moderating Role of Incivility Between Occupational Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior. STRATEGIC APPROACHES IN ECONOMY, GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS, 193, 2016. Google Scholar

The risk of being ‘excluded': Non-traditional, disadvantaged and underachieving students. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education, 20-31, 2016. Google Scholar

Advertising brands by means of sounds symbolism: the influence of vowels on perceived brand characteristics. Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics 21, 112-119, 2015. Google Scholar

Online health information seeking during adolescence: a quantitative study regarding Romanian teenagers. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, 2015. Google Scholar

Social psychology applied to advertising: The effect of sound symbolism on perceived characteristics of brands. Psihologia socială, 53-61, 2015. Google Scholar


Why age is not that important? An ageing perspective on computer anxiety. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging: First …, 2015. Google Scholar

Painting Shades of Gray: How to Communicate the History of Communism in Museums. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 17 (2), 21-39, 2015. Google Scholar

O analiză psihosociologică a conceptului de ageism. Psihologia socială, 63-69, 2015. Google Scholar


Qualitative Research in Communication. Introductory Remarks. Romanian Journal Of Communication And Public Relations 17 (3), 7-9, 2015. Google Scholar

Review of A Natural History of Human Thinking, by Michael Tomasello. Metapsychology Online Reviews 19 (3), 2015. Google Scholar

The European higher education area: Between critical reflections and future policies. Springer Nature, 2015. Google Scholar

An exploratory study regarding the relations between time perspective, achievement motivation and self-regulation. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 3 (1), 7-7, 2015. Google Scholar

Giving voice to non-traditional students “walking” the narative mediation path. An interpretative phenomenological analysis. The European higher education area: Between critical reflections and future …, 2015. Google Scholar


The International Conference'Education and Creativity for a Knowledge-Based Society'-Social, Political & Humanistic Sciences-IXth Edition. . Google Scholar

THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT NARRATIVE MODES AND MEDIA IN COUNSELING GROUP INTERVENTION. Abstract book of the The 14th European Congress of Psychology Milan, Italy 7 …, 2015. Google Scholar

Teenagers and the Use of New Technologies (Ict) For Health Information. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, 2014. Google Scholar

Socially valued role models 25 years after the fall of Communism: a quantitative study on students and mass media exposure. Sfera Politicii 22 (182), 66-71, 2014. Google Scholar

NONVERBAL SENSITIVITY AND STUDENTS’MOTOR PERFORMANCE. Applied Social Sciences: Communication Studies, 91, 2014. Google Scholar

Brand naming: Sound symbolism, brand preference and Brand Performance. Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics Edition 20, 169-176, 2014. Google Scholar

Le public d’un musée du communisme et l’intérêt des visiteurs pour la période communiste. Proceedings of the French-Romanian colloque: Actualité scientifique en …, 2014. Google Scholar

Elders and the ITCs use to communicate with children and grandchildren. . Google Scholar

The use of ICT in students’ learning activities. Journal of Media Research 7 (1/2), 3-15, 2014. Google Scholar

Review of Pharmageddon, by David Healy. Metapsychology Online Reviews 18 (12), 2014. Google Scholar

The influence of values on the leadership style. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 2 (3), 480-480, 2014. Google Scholar

Reflexivity in Higher Education. Working with Underachieving Students in Higher Education: Fostering …, 2014. Google Scholar


How Children Cope With a Brain Injured Parent? an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. European Health Psychologist, 619-619, 2014. Google Scholar

EXAMINING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Applied Social Sciences: Psychology, Physical Education and Social Medicine, 297, 2014. Google Scholar


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Group setting: formation criteria and size of training groups, frequency of meetings. INSTALL Innovative Solutions to Acquire Learning to Learn. Operational …, 2014. Google Scholar

Lo studio della Mentalizzazione entro i contesti universitari: costruzione e adattamento di un questionario sulla base della Reflexive Function Scale. Volume degli Atti del XVI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE AIP SEZIONE CLINICA E DINAMICA …, 2014. Google Scholar

Psihologie socială: studiul interacţiunilor umane. Comunicare. ro, 2013. Google Scholar

Older people and mobile communication in two European contexts. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 15 (3), 83-98, 2013. Google Scholar

A comparison of techniques used to collect informed public opinions about CCS: opinion quality after focus group discussions versus information-choice questionnaires. . Google Scholar

Învăţământul universitar din România. Dialog cu elevi, studenţi şi profesori [Higher education in Romania. A …, 2013. Google Scholar

Introspection on romantic relation generates attitudinal change. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 78, 370-374, 2013. Google Scholar

Nonverbal sensitivity: Evidence for different accuracy on face and voice channels using static or dynamic items.. Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2013. Google Scholar

Happiness and dimensions of relationship intimacy across gender, sex of partner, and cultures. Atti di European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-12, 2013. Google Scholar

Margins of Psychology. Central European University. unpublished doctoral dissertation, 2013. Google Scholar

Review of Madness is Civilization, by Michael E. Staub. Metapsychology Online Reviews 17 (15), 2013. Google Scholar

Personality and Academic Dishonesty. Evidence from an Exploratory Pilot Study.. Romanian Journal of Communication & Public Relations 15 (1), 2013. Google Scholar

Implementation of preventive mental health services for children of physically ill parents: experiences in seven European countries and health care systems. General hospital psychiatry 35 (2), 147-153, 2013. Google Scholar

What are the main coping strategies used by adolescents with traumatic brain injured parent? An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 78, 345-349, 2013. Google Scholar

Applied Social Sciences Communication Studies, Edited by Georgeta Rață, Gheorghe Clitan and Patricia-Luciana Runcan This book first published 2013 Cambridge Scholars Publishing …. . Google Scholar

Review of Narrazione e intervento in psicologia clinica. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 15 (1), 179-181., 2013. Google Scholar

Review of Narrazione e intervento in psicologia clinica [Narration and intervention in clinical psychology], by Maria Francesca Freda. Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice, 179-181, 2013. Google Scholar

Perception and communication of terrorism risk on food supply chain: A case study (Romania and Turkey). Applied Social Sciences: Communication Studies, Cambridge University Press …, 2013. Google Scholar

Behavioral correlates of shame as a moral emotion in organizations.. Nova Science Publishers, 2013. Google Scholar

Are Counterproductive Work Behaviors Externalizations of Shame in Organizations? An Explorative Pilot Study in Private versus Public Settings. Strategic Thinking in a Changing World, 282, 2013. Google Scholar

Morality versus competence in social perception of political candidates. Sfera Politicii 20 (171), 68-74, 2012. Google Scholar

Facial discrimination of political candidates and voting behavior. Sfera Politicii 20 (168), 111-117, 2012. Google Scholar

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Sociologia modei: stil vestimentar şi dezirabilitate socială/Sociology of fashion. Institutul European, 2012. Google Scholar

Sex role identity, nonverbal sensitivity and potential leadership style. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 46, 1720-1729, 2012. Google Scholar

The risk of dropping education for romanian high school students. Structural factors and educational policies. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 46, 2312-2321, 2012. Google Scholar

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Review of We’Ve Got Issues, by Judith Warner. Metapsychology Online Reviews 16 (16), 2012. Google Scholar

Review of Rational Causation, by Eric Marcus. Metapsychology Online Reviews 16 (43), 2012. Google Scholar

Academic self-efficacy, emotional intelligence and academic achievement of Romanian students. Results from an exploratory study. Journal of Educational Sciences and Psychology 2 (1), 2012. Google Scholar

Leadership styles and emotional intelligence of Romanian public managers. Evidences from an exploratory pilot study. Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala 38, 107, 2012. Google Scholar

The relationship between emotional labor and burnout in direct sales representatives–a pilot study. Psihologia Resurselor Umane 10 (1), 20-38, 2012. Google Scholar

Interpersonal perception skills and the effects of gender and gender roles. Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice 14 (1), 91-99, 2012. Google Scholar

Cum descriu oamenii experiența schimbării locului de muncă din mediul public în cel privat? O analiză interpretativ fenomenologică. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology 14 (2), 62-69, 2012. Google Scholar

Cum descriu oamenii experienta schimbarii locului de munca din mediul public in cel privat; O analiza interpretativ fenomenologica. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology 14 (2), 62-69, 2012. Google Scholar

Lessons learned in the implementation of an innovative preventive family intervention service in Bucharest. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 33, 208-212, 2012. Google Scholar

Academic succes, interpersonal competence and preference for online versus offline social interaction. IAMCR 2011-Istanbul, 2011. Google Scholar

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Social skills, nonverbal sensitivity and academic success. The key role of centrality in student networks for higher grades achievement. Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială, 151-166, 2011. Google Scholar

Acces şi echitate în învăţământul superior din România. Dialog cu elevii şi studenţii, 2011. Google Scholar

The importance of popularity, rational thinking style and nonverbal sensitivity to achieve academic success. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 29, 725-734, 2011. Google Scholar

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Atitudinea faţă de muncă în subcultura creativă. Calitatea Vieții 22 (1), 49-59, 2011. Google Scholar

Cognitive style and nonverbal sensitivity. Cognitive-experiential self theory validation. Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice 13 (2), 31-49, 2011. Google Scholar


The Return of Antipsychiatry – Notes on Richard Bentall’s Doctoring the Mind. Philobiblon. Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in …, 2011. Google Scholar

Review of'Making Minds and Madness: From Hysteria to Depression'by Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen. . Google Scholar

Review of Making Minds and Madness, by Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen. Metapsychology Online Reviews 15 (4), 2011. Google Scholar

Review of Secular Philosophy and the Religious Temperament, by Thomas Nagel. Metapsychology Online Reviews 15 (13), 2011. Google Scholar

For we are legion. Remarks on Searle’s Making the Social World. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 13 (2), 67-81, 2011. Google Scholar

Family functioning and adolescents’ psychological well-being in families with a TBI parent. Psychology 2 (07), 681, 2011. Google Scholar

Arguments for a new policy dialog on access and equity in Romanian higher education. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 9-25, 2010. Google Scholar

Scrutinizing the impact of CCS communication on the general and local public. Recommendations for the communication of CCS, 2010. Google Scholar

Women's Voices in Organizational Life in Romania. Using Interpersonal Skills to Lead.. Romanian Journal of Communication & Public Relations 12 (3), 2010. Google Scholar

Being in control by taking voluntary risk in contemporary society. Sociologie românească 8 (01), 80-86, 2010. Google Scholar

Transformational leadership in the public sector-not a bedtime story.. Romanian Journal of Communication & Public Relations 12 (2), 2010. Google Scholar

Coping Strategies and Communication: A Qualitative Exploratory Study of Children with Parents Suffering from Acute Central Nervous System Injury.. Romanian Journal of Communication & Public Relations 12 (3), 2010. Google Scholar

Explorative study on the relationship between occupational stress and work style. PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 25, 60-60, 2010. Google Scholar

Family functioning and adolescents' psychological well-being in families with a CNS injured parent. PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 25, 86-86, 2010. Google Scholar

EXISTĂ UN SPIRIT ANTREPRENORIAL ÎN UNIVERȘITĂȚILE PUBLICE ROMÂNESTI?. Review of Management & Economic Engineering 9 (2), 2010. Google Scholar

EXISTĂ O CULTURĂ ANTREPRENORIALĂ ÎN UNIVERSITĂŢILE PUBLICE ROMÂNEŞTI?. Review of Management & Economic Engineering 9 (1), 2010. Google Scholar

Cele mai importante 20 de secunde: competenţa în comunicarea nonverbală. Tritonic, 2009. Google Scholar

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