Conferences CoDiPo

Conferences 2022-2017:

  • Abraham, F. (2022). Problema culturii politice în România comunistă: în căutarea unor elemente factuale, national conference „Partidul-stat în România comunistă: ideologie, realități politico-instituționale, dileme istoriografice”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2022). Cultural Identity in the Debates on Founding and Reforming the European Union), international conference „Cultural Pluralism and Identity in European Politics after 1945”, organized by Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Cluj-Napoca.
  • Cheregi, B. F., Ciocea, M. (2022). The discursive construction of ”the diaspora’s vote” in the articulation of the public problem of migration. 3rd edition of Europe in Discourse International Conference, Athens, Greece.
  • Cheregi, B. F., Ciocea, M. (2022). The ’Italian syndrome’ and media discourses around Romanian elderly care workers. Bucharest Aging 2022, ENAS & NANAS joint conference, Narratives and Counter Narratives of Aging and Old Age: Reflexivity in Aging Studies, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Ciocea, M., Cârlan, A. I., Cheregi, B. F. (2022). Affective publics and discourses of identity in mobilization campaigns for 2019 European Parliament elections. 6th edition of ESTIDIA International Conference,Dialogue-shared Expriences across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices, Alicante, Spain.
  • Farmazon, D. (2022), Helplessness and authority: the elders in the European visual arts, from La Belle Époque to the Information Age. International Graduate Conference in Communication, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Fiț, C. R., Geantă, I., Cheregi, B. F., Panțir, C., Hâj, C. M. (2022). Studiu de marketing privind potențialul de promovare a universităților românești. Conferința Zece ani de politici publice bazate pe evidențe în învățământul superior – angajabilitate, internaționalizare și echitate”, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania. 
  • Abraham, F. (2021). Istoriografia privind regimul comunist din România. Reflecții critice asupra istoriei instituțional-politice, national conference „Comunismul Românesc”, ediția a X-a, organized by Consiliul Naţional pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securităţii and Universitatea din  București (Facultatea de Istorie) (online conference).
  • Abraham, F. (2021). Noi tendințe în memorializarea comunismului în Europa central-răsăriteană, national conference „Totalitarismul și memoria lui istorică”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest (online conference).
  • Abraham, F. (2021). “Black Swan” of the Ceausescu Regime: Human Rights?, international conference „Human rights in the struggle for freedom. A guarantee of democracy from the perspective of the current generation”, organized by Institute of National Memory, Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Abraham, F. (2021). Salvarea experienței terorii. Exemple din Holocaust și Gulag, national conference „Omul sub <teroarea istoriei>: indivizi, comunități, crize în Europa secolului XX”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest (online conference).
  • Abraham, F. (2021). Rolul secretului în cultura organizațională a Partidului Comunist Român (1945-1989), national conference „Comunismul în România 100”, organized by Facultatea de Științe Politice a Universității București, Fundația Konrad Adenauer, Bucharest (online conference).
  • Abraham, F. (2021). Geopolitics of Disinformation in the Age of Social Media, international conference „Disinformation in memory politics: practices and ways of prevention”, organized by The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative, the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest (online conference).
  • Cârlan, A. I., & Mădroane, D. I. (2021). Claim-making and political responsibility attribution in the construction of a public problem during the COVID-19 lockdown. WG1 Meeting: Citizens, Experts And Institutions: Empirical Analyses Of Public Policy Argumentation. Cost Action 17132: European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis, Lovain University.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2021). The Unbearable Lightness of the Covid-19 Internet Memes in Romania. A Social-Semiotic Approach. 3rd edition of the International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Ciocea, M., Cârlan, A.I., Cheregi, B. F. (2021). “The diaspora’s vote”: citizen empowerment and transnational ties in mobilization campaigns for 2019 European Parliament elections. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Farmazon, D. (2021), Visual discourses and public sphere during Covid-19 pandemic. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Farmazon, D., Tușa, E. (2021), Public polarization on social networks during the campaign for Bucharest City Hall: no debate, hundreds of memes. ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Fiț, C. R., Panțir, C., Cheregi B. F., Geantă, I. (2021). The use of educational marketing to strenghten internationalization of higher education. International Conference Challenges and solutions for the Romanian higher education, UEFISCDI, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Abraham, F. (2020). Transitional justice – a Ghost? Reflections on the implementation in Romania of the paradigm „Democratization through Decommunization”, international conference “East-Central Europe, from Communism to Populism: Political Agency, Institutional Design, and Social Networks (1990-2020)”, organized by Universitatea Bucharest (Facultatea de Științe Politice) and Fundația Konrad Adenauer, Bucharest (online conference).
  • Abraham, F. (2020). În căutarea unui model epistemic al tranziției postcomuniste. Studiu de caz: România, national conference „Trei decenii de la revoluțiile est-europene: context geopolitic și consecințe regionale”, organized by Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2020).”Why Aren’t More People Talking About This?” Social Media and Nation Branding in Romania. IAI Virtual Conference, International Academic Institute.
  • Cheregi, B. F., Bârgăoanu, A. (2020). The Media Construction of Romania as a ”Tech Country”. Nation Branding in Times of Digital Disruption. National Conference for PhD and Postdoctoral students in Social Sciences, Oradea, Romania.
  • Abraham, Florin (2019). The labyrinth of transition in Romania, international conference „1989 – Annus Mirabilis. Three decades after: desires, achievements, future”, organized by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative, the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). Romanian Revolution of December 1989: from the historical event to the topic of political mythology, international conference „Annus mirabilis 1989 and Slovakia: from a totalitarian regime to democracy”, organized by Institute of National Memory, Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). “Revoluție” versus “lovitura de stat”: deconstrucția unui proces de legitimare politică, national conference „Revoluţia română din 1989: drumul spre libertate. 30 de ani de studiere a regimurilor totalitare”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). The Language of Totalitarian Regimes: Problems in Analyzing Historical Sources. Case study: Securitatea, international conference „Qualitative research in communication”, Fourth Edition, SNSPA, University of Colorado Boulder, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). Historiography and remembrance policies in Romania. The role of anti-communist ideology: 1989-2019, international conference “Memory of Communism: Its Forms, Manifestations and Meanings.”, organized by Institutul de Istorie Contemporană, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). Colectivizarea agriculturii din perspectiva teoriei modernizării socio-economice a Europei de Est, national conference „Șapte decenii de la începerea colectivizării agriculturii: acțiuni, consecințe, drame individuale și colective”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). Căderea regimului Ceaușescu in dialectica factorilor interni și internaționali. O evaluare comparativă, national conference „Comunismul în România: Memorie și Istorie”, ediția a I-a, organized by Universitatea Bucharest, Institutul de Istorie “Nicolae Iorga”, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2019). Banalizarea libertății și prosperității în Europa Centrală și de Est. Studiu de caz: România (Banalization of Freedom and Prosperity in East-Central Europe. Case study: Romania), international conference „On the downfall of communism. 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe”, organized by Reţeaua Europeană “Memorie şi Solidaritate”, Muzeul Istoriei Poloneze, Biblioteca Națională, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Cârlan, A. I. (2019). Iconic images and the memory of the fall: echoes from Romania. EAST GALLERY:1989-2019 – Conferenze Internazionali 30 anni dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino; Roma, Universitatea Roma3 și Istituto Universitario SSML Gregorio VII.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2019). Nation Branding ”as we know it” in the Post-Truth Era. Discourses of Identity and Alterity. PR Trend, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2019). The discursive construction of transnational migration in Internet memes. ”The new diaspora” as a semioscape. 7th edition of The Migration Conference, University of Bari, Italy.
  • Ciocea, M., Cârlan, A. I., Cheregi, B. F. (2019). The Communicative Construction of Public Problems: Implications for a Research Agenda. 4th Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Ciocea, M., Udrea, G. (2019). Is my story still my own if you are telling it? An analysis of mediation in documentaries about Romanian migrants. 6th International Visual Methods Conference (IVMC6), Bucharest, Romania.
  • Farmazon, D., Răducu, R. (2019). Social criticism and visual rhetoric. Banksy: the voice of the poorest, collected by the richest. International Visual Methods Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). The Paris Peace Conference and the Revisionist Political Mythology: Traditional and Recent Approaches, international conference „1918 – Nașterea Noii Europe”/ „1918 – The Birth of a New Europe”, organized by Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). Proiectul “României Mari” după 1989: nostalgii, realităţi, perspective, national conference „Centenarul Marii Uniri: democraţie şi totalitarism în România. Evenimente şi personalităţi care au marcat istoria naţională”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). Legături primejdioase: justiția de tranziție / politicile memoriei și iliberalismul central-est european, national conference „Memorie și colecții ale memoriei. Noi perspective asupra comunismului din România”, Universitatea București, Academia Evanghelică Transilvania, Fundația Hanns Seidel, Sibiu.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). “The Prague Spring” – subject of international historical memory, international conference „50 de ani de la Primăvara de la Praga”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Ambasada Republicii Cehe, Ambasada Republicii Slovacia, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). Democraţie versus autoritarism în Europa central-răsăriteană: o analiză din perspectiva istoriei lungi, national conference „Autocraţiile totalitare: concepte, fapte istorice, personalităţi”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). Three decades of transitional justice in post-communist Europe, international conference „#Romania100: Looking Forward through the Past”, Societatea de Studii Româneşti, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2018). Did the Great War end? Memory and memorialization of the First World War in Romania, international conference „Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War”, organized by Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (Oldenburg), University of Leipzig – Centre for Area Studies, Berlin, Germany.
  • Bârgăoanu, A.,  Radu L., Ciocea, M. (2018). Measuring development. Lessons learned from the project The State of the Nation. 11th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2018), Doha, Qatar.
  • Cârlan, A. I. (2018). Neither confusion, nor boredom: text as dialectical, image as rhetorical in multimodal argumentation. 9th International Conference on Argumentation, ISSA, University of Amsterdam.
  • Cârlan, A. & Ciocea, M. (2018). Addressing those abroad, addressing the nation: Romanian diaspora between transnational fields and local instrumentalization. #DN20. Exploring Fuzzy Boundaries in Discourse Studies. Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, , Budapest, Hungary.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2018). We Are What We Buy. Consumer Life and User Generated Content in the Age of Social Media. 6th edition of Strategica International Conference, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2018). The new diaspora” and interactive media campaigns: the case of Romanians migrating to the UK after Brexit. 6th edition of The Migration Conference, Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Portugal. – Best Paper Prize in Arts, Media and Migration.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2018). Nation Branding in transition countries. A multimodal analysis of Romania and Moldova tourism campaigns: Differences and similarities. 2nd edition of the Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities International Conference, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2018). Interactive Media Campaigns in Sending and Receiving Countries: the Case of Romanians Migrating to the UK after Brexit. Workshop The Politics and Metaphysic(s) of Diaspora, New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Mădroane, D., Ciocea, M., Cârlan, I. (2018). Diasporic media and (counter)publics: Engaging the nativist discourse on EU immigration in the UK. 7th European Communication Conference (ECC): Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation, Lugano, Switzerland.
  • Abraham, F. (2017). Romanian-Russian relations in the context of Romania’s membership of the European Union, international conference „Relaţiile româno-ruse/sovietice: trecut, prezent şi perspective. C.S.R.S.: Un deceniu de activitate (2007-2017)”, the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2017). Histor<iograph>y and Memory in`Post-Truth Era`. Towards a European Public Sphere? Some theoretical considerations, international conference „Image, History and Memory”, organized by Reţeaua Europeană “Memorie şi Solidaritate”, Institute   of Arts   History, Adam Mickiewicz University in  Poznań, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Abraham, F. (2017). Între Lenin și Wilson: principiul autoderminării popoarelor, national conference „România și Revoluția rusă. Ideologie, realitate istorică și implicații geopolitice”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2017). The Romanian official narratives about the “reforming European Union” (2015-2017, international conference „Qualitative research in communication”, Third Edition, SNSPA, University of Colorado Boulder, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2017). Rolul disidenților în schimbările politice din Europa de Est în perioada comunistă și în tranziția postcomunistă, national conference „Disidența românească în context național și internațional. Patru decenii de la apariția Chartei 77”, organized by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest.
  • Abraham, F. (2017). Disidența românească din perspectiva documentelor Agenţiei Centrale de Investigaţii (CIA), national conference „Cei <fără de putere> şi critica regimurilor comuniste. 40 de ani de la Charta 77 şi Mişcarea Goma”, organized by CNSAS, Institutul Nicolae Iorga, Bucharest.
  • Bârgăoanu, A., Radu, L., Ciocea, M. (2017). University-Government Links: Using relevant statistical data for evidence-based policy making. 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2017), Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Beciu, C., Mădroane, D., Ciocea, M., Cârlan, A. (2017). ‘Critical’ Journalistic Stances on Intra-EU Migration in the Romanian Public Sphere: Between Rational Debate and Populism, în panelul Whither CDA? Rethinking the objectives and research agenda of critical analysis of discourse in a time of political economic change. DiscourseNet 19 Conference – Discourse, Knowledge and Practice in Society, University of Bucharest, Romania.
  • Borțun, D., Cheregi, B. F. (2017). Structures of signification in 2017 Romanian Protests : Two perspectives on reality expressed in discursive formulas. 13th World Semiotic Congress Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans-, Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Cârlan, A. I. (2017). Engaging the past through cinema: plausible accounts on a bank robbery under the communist regime. Rhetoric in Society, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
  • Cârlan, A. I. (2017). Argumentative Patterns across Contexts: Analyzing Debates on the Romanian Diaspora’s Right to Vote Abroad. European Conference in Argumentation  UniversityFribourg, Switzerland.
  • Cârlan, A., & Ciocea, M. (2017). Documentary cinema and the visual public sphere: from actor to spectator and back. Qualitative Research in Communication, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2017. ”Romanians Adopt Remainians”. Interactive Media Campaigns and the Quest for a European Identity. 3rd edition of Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2017). News Discourses on Nation Branding in Post-Communist Romania: Frames and Function Frames. SMART International Conference, Timișoara, Romania.
  • Cheregi, B. F. (2017). Interactive Media Campaigns on Romanian Migration. A Multi-Modal Perspective. 13th World Semiotic Congress Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans-, Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Ciocea, M., Roceanu, I. (2017). The problem of national security in the debate on development priorities for Romania. Measuring Development in Turbulent Times, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Roceanu. I., Ciocea, M. (2017). Cyberspace – no frontiers, plenty of opportunities, no limits to threats. Measuring Development in Turbulent Times, Bucharest, Romania.