Conferences 2024-2019:
- Buzoianu, C. & Bîră, M. (2024). Making sense of unstructured data. Challenges in developingsocial media listening solutions in the current digital landscape. European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Bîră M., Ignat M., Ghețu, A., & Buzoianu C. (2023). Working in the creative economy: an exploratory study on creative and talent-based work in the emerging creative digital economy. International Conference Creative Future Insights, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Buzoianu C., Stroe L., & Bîră M., (2023). Protecting creativity or protecting the environment? An assessment of conversation themes and audience sentiment in 2022 high profile protest actions staged by environmental activist in museums. International Conference Creative Future Insights. Zagreb, Croatia.
- Bîră M., Ignat , Buzoianu C., & Ghețu A. (2023). Unveiling Meaning in Creative Industries: An Exploratory Study on the Gig Economy in Romania. International Conference Semiosis in communication – New Challenges of Multimodality in the Digital Age, Bucharest, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., (2022). Using social media listening for spotting risks and managing crisis. Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, Cluj, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., Stroe, L., Răducu, R. (2022). Practices and means for social media listening in public relations 3.0. Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, Cluj, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R., Stroe, L, (2022). Phone usage habits among different Romanian media generations: a uses and gratifications perspective. International Graduate Conference in Communication, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- Bîră, M., Stroe, L., Buzoianu, C., Răducu, M. R. (2021). Measurement in the new PR era: Models, means, and practices. A comparative view from business and academia. Strategica International Conference, 9th edition, Bucharest, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., (2021). Assessing problems that lead to crises: a framework for PR & communication. Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, Cluj, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., Stroe, L., (2021). Mediated Crises – Challenges for the 21st Century. ECREA – European Communication Conference online.
- Ionescu, A. Duduciuc, A. Daba-Buzoianu, C. & Bîră, M., (2021). Does it have to be human to be credibile? Perception of avatar-delivered messages about COVID-19 hyigiene rules among young people. Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change, Bucharest, Romania.
- Zbuchea, A., Bîră, M., Romanelli M., Pînzaru Florina. (2021). Creative neighbourhoods: battlegrounds between creatives and the public administration?. IFKAD 2021, Managing Knowledge in Uncertain Times, Rome, Italy.
- Răducu, M. R., (2020). Older adults and technology. Generations, Uses and gratifications and (auto-)Stereotypes. Academos Conference, 7th edition-SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R. (2020). Technology use from a generational perspective Why is it important to understand generations. Graduate Conference in Communication. Interdisciplinary Approaches – SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Zbuchea, A., Bîră, M., Romanelli M., Pinzaru, F. (2020). Museums as Innovative and Community oriented organisations. IFKAD 2020 Knowledge in digital Age. Matera, Italy.
- Zbuchea, A., Romanelli, M., Bîră, M. (2020). Activist Museums – Between Intentions and Perceptions. Strategica – International Academic Conference -Eighth Edition Bucharest, Romania.
- Bîră, M. Ivan L., (2019). Empowering and Disempowering New Mothers on the Internet. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bird, I., Cismaru, D. M. Ghigiu, A. (2019). Adapting a cross-country methodology to investigate local CCUS stakeholder communities. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Cismaru, D. M., Buzoianu, C., Ivan, L., Chiochină, S., (2019). Challenges and Success Factors of CCUS implementation in Romania. A Stakeholder Approach/ Perception Review. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Farmazon, D., & Răducu, M. R. (2019). Social criticism and visual rhetoric. Banksy – the voice of the poorest, collected by the richest. International Visual Methods in Communication 6th Edition SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R. (2019). Older People Using Technology. A comparison of transnational and non-transnational subjects. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference, 4th Edition – SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R. (2019). Elders using technology. A comparison between transnational and non-transnational subjects. Graz University Summer School Seggau Castles (GUSEGG19) Seggau, Austria.
- Zbuchea, A. Bîră, M. (2019). The Networking Strategies of the Romanian Museums. Strategica 2020 Upscaling Digital Transformation in Business and Economics. Bucharest, Romania
- Zbuchea, A. Bîră, M. (2019). Mapping knowledge transfer in museums. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania
- Chiciudean, I., Răducu, M. R. (2018). What sport clubs tell us about sport? Visual representation of sport on club’s Facebook pages. Semiosis in Communication. Differences and Similarities – SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Bîră, M., (2017). Creative Museums: Fill in the Gap Strategies for Promoting Culture and Education. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Duduciuc, A., Bîră, M., Zyrtec L., (2017). The Portrayal of Middle Aged and Senior Consumers in Advertising: Body Image, Cognitive Age and Preference for Ageing Models. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.