Conferences 2022-2017:
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., (2022). Using social media listening for spotting risks and managing crisis. Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, Cluj, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., Stroe, L., Răducu, R. (2022). Practices and means for social media listening in public relations 3.0. Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, Cluj, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R., Stroe, L, (2022). Phone usage habits among different Romanian media generations: a uses and gratifications perspective. International Graduate Conference in Communication, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- Bîră, M., Stroe, L., Buzoianu, C., Răducu, M. R. (2021). Measurement in the new PR era: Models, means, and practices. A comparative view from business and academia. Strategica International Conference, 9th edition, Bucharest, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., (2021). Assessing problems that lead to crises: a framework for PR & communication. Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, Cluj, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bîră, M., Stroe, L., (2021). Mediated Crises – Challenges for the 21st Century. ECREA – European Communication Conference online.
- Ionescu, A. Duduciuc, A. Daba-Buzoianu, C. & Bîră, M., (2021). Does it have to be human to be credibile? Perception of avatar-delivered messages about COVID-19 hyigiene rules among young people. Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change, Bucharest, Romania.
- Zbuchea, A., Bîră, M., Romanelli M., Pînzaru Florina. (2021). Creative neighbourhoods: battlegrounds between creatives and the public administration?. IFKAD 2021, Managing Knowledge in Uncertain Times, Rome, Italy.
- Răducu, M. R., (2020). Older adults and technology. Generations, Uses and gratifications and (auto-)Stereotypes. Academos Conference, 7th edition-SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R. (2020). Technology use from a generational perspective Why is it important to understand generations. Graduate Conference in Communication. Interdisciplinary Approaches – SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Zbuchea, A., Bîră, M., Romanelli M., Pinzaru, F. (2020). Museums as Innovative and Community oriented organisations. IFKAD 2020 Knowledge in digital Age. Matera, Italy.
- Zbuchea, A., Romanelli, M., Bîră, M. (2020). Activist Museums – Between Intentions and Perceptions. Strategica – International Academic Conference -Eighth Edition Bucharest, Romania.
- Bîră, M. Ivan L., (2019). Empowering and Disempowering New Mothers on the Internet. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Buzoianu, C., Bird, I., Cismaru, D. M. Ghigiu, A. (2019). Adapting a cross-country methodology to investigate local CCUS stakeholder communities. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Cismaru, D. M., Buzoianu, C., Ivan, L., Chiochină, S., (2019). Challenges and Success Factors of CCUS implementation in Romania. A Stakeholder Approach/ Perception Review. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Farmazon, D., & Răducu, M. R. (2019). Social criticism and visual rhetoric. Banksy – the voice of the poorest, collected by the richest. International Visual Methods in Communication 6th Edition SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R. (2019). Older People Using Technology. A comparison of transnational and non-transnational subjects. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference, 4th Edition – SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Răducu, M. R. (2019). Elders using technology. A comparison between transnational and non-transnational subjects. Graz University Summer School Seggau Castles (GUSEGG19) Seggau, Austria.
- Zbuchea, A. Bîră, M. (2019). The Networking Strategies of the Romanian Museums. Strategica 2020 Upscaling Digital Transformation in Business and Economics. Bucharest, Romania
- Zbuchea, A. Bîră, M. (2019). Mapping knowledge transfer in museums. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania
- Chiciudean, I., Răducu, M. R. (2018). What sport clubs tell us about sport? Visual representation of sport on club’s Facebook pages. Semiosis in Communication. Differences and Similarities – SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania.
- Bîră, M., (2017). Creative Museums: Fill in the Gap Strategies for Promoting Culture and Education. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.
- Duduciuc, A., Bîră, M., Zyrtec L., (2017). The Portrayal of Middle Aged and Senior Consumers in Advertising: Body Image, Cognitive Age and Preference for Ageing Models. Qualitative Research in Communication International Conference. Bucharest, Romania.